Stambiažiedės rožės – Rosa grandiflora

Stambiažiedės rožės

Lithuanian plant nameStambiažiedės rožės
Latin plant nameRosa grandiflora
English plant name-
  • Clump, beds (mixborder)
  • Flowerbed, parterres
  • Groups
  • Combination with woody plants
  • Solitaire
  • average wet soils
  • Heliophilous
Spacing, cmFrom 60 to 80
  • tall - 61-80 cm
  • very tall – 81 cm and over
Habitusflower with expressive habitus, for design as accent
Leaf color
  • green
Blossom color
  • white
  • yellow, yellow tints
  • orange
  • red, red tints
  • violet
  • blue, blue tints
  • purple
  • variegated
  • striped
Blooming time
  • 1-st half of the summer - June 2-nd decade- July 2-nd decade
  • 2-nd half of the summer - July Third Decade - August
  • autumn - September - October
Blooming period4 months
General ornamentalityvery decorative
Ornamentality duration, months5
Grouplogn-lived perennial (grown 7 and more years)
Bioecological groupRoses
Propagation methods: by seeds and vegetative. Park roses are propagated by seeds for selection purposes and for stock growing. Vegetative propagation: scrub division, grafting, budding, green and woody cuttings, and stools. The best time for grafting roses is when the blooms are fading and their petals are dropping, but before the buds swell up in preparation for the next flowering. Roses are among the easiest plants to graft because they all are nearly compatible with other rose plants. Even most rose hybrids are compatible with other roses for grafting. It is possible to determine a rose root system that works well in the growing conditions of your garden and then plant only those. Cleft grafting is used on woody rose bushes to fuse together a scion wood from a flower producing cultivar. The under stock may be larger than the scion when using the cleft graft technique. The stock is cut back so that one main stem remains. The stem is split down the middle using a knife or wedge. The wedge is kept in place to keep the split open. Cut the scion so that a wedge is formed at the bottom and stick it into the under the stock. Seal the wound using grafting wax and allow it to heal over several weeks. Budding uses one bud from a healthy scion to grow a new branch on an established rose bush. A healthy scion is taken with a dormant bud attached. A healthy bud is removed from the scion by sliding a knife underneath removing a shield shaped piece of wood along with the bud. Create a t-shaped cut on the new rose bush and gently open the bark so that it doesn't break. Slide the bud into the place and secure the cut using grafting tape. The bud will grow if the graft takes.